By Ann Barnhardt
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom
come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who
trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us
from evil.
Guess the saint:
This saint joined a Crusade to Egypt in the hopes of PROSELYTIZING as
many musloids as he could before being killed. This saint was not
killed, but was instead received into the court of a sultan. Our saint
then offered to engage in a trial by fire – literal fire – with the
sultan’s musloid “scholars”. Our saint offered to enter into a fire pit
and if he emerged unscathed, the musloid scholars would then have to
concede that the CATHOLIC GOD (the word “catholic” means “universal”, so
of course God is Catholic, and of course His Church is Catholic) and
not the phoney musloid god (our saint, like any intelligent person,
knows that the thing called “allah” is a non-existent pagan-Bedouin moon
deity concocted by the inventors of the musloid political system,
inspired by satan himself) is the One, True God. Naturally, knowing
that their non-existent deity could not duplicate such a miracle, and
not wanting to be burned to a crisp, the musloids declined the challenge
– BUT the sultan granted our saint permission to PROSELYTIZE and win
souls for Christ in his territory WHILE THIS VERY SULTAN WAS FIGHTING
Who was this saint who knew that not only was PROSELYTIZING not
“solemn nonsense”, but was utterly essential and demanded by Our Lord – a
direct corollary to the two Great Commandments, to love God and to love
our neighbor?
Yep. It was St. Francis of Assisi.
Giotto’s fresco depicting St. Francis’ Trial by Fire. The musloids are
on the left, slinking away. Apparently this was all a terrible mistake
on St. Francis’ part. He should have merely “encountered” the musloids
in a spirit of “dialogue” and listened to their lies and then declared
that they should all engage in good works and “meet each other there”.
Because, you know, there isn’t a “Catholic God”, and the god the
musloids believe in is the same as the Triune Godhead, or something. And
God Himself being Goodness Itself, and good and evil being whatever the
individual “conceives” them as being, “God” is whoever or whatever the
individual says He, She or It is. Thank “god” we have Smart Francis
today to correct all of the errors of Stupid Francis of Assisi.
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