Once again, my low expectations are wonderfully surpassed.
Reader John V notes that Biden, as I predicted, skipped town:
"Looks like you were right. [Biden] was in Wilmington yesterday, but had to go to Green Bay today."
And it's a good thing, too. I wouldn't have wanted to present myself for communion after this homily by Bishop Malooly:
... Mary’s mother, St. Anne, carried a very special life in her womb which serves as a vivid reminder that every life is special. We will continue to stress the constant teaching of the Church that each person must respect every life from conception to natural death. And we will continue to seek the intercession of Saint Thomas More for Statesmen, Politicians, Supreme Court Justices, Judges and Lawyers—that they may be courageous and effective in defending and promoting the sanctity of human life, the foundation of every human right, the foundation of our love for the poor.
While Bishop Fran Malooly does not name Joe Biden (or Nancy Pelosi) by name, anyone who has been keeping up on this story knows what's being said quite plainly.
Nor is the St. Thomas More reference a throw-away line, I would argue. In his new book on Catholic voting, Abp. Charles Chaput spends an entire section talking about the example of St. Thomas More.
Coincidence? Perhaps. But lest we forget, St. Thomas summed up his witness in one line before his martyrdom:
"I die the King's good servant - but God's first."
Fr. Trigilio has a great post on Biden, too, if you have a chance to check it out. Speaking of new lows, I have once again given you a homework assignment over at BTB if you are up to it - it's kinda mean, so you don't have to turn it in if you don't want to...you're entitled to at least one professorial dispensation.
Vin: Great political stuff lately! Keep it goin'! Thanks for the prayers for my Grandma.
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