Monday, February 15, 2010

St. Catherine

Cathy had a blognic-brunch today and she and her generous guests raised $305 for the seminary. God bless them.


  1. Three cheers for Cathy!!

    I wish I knew all of the inside jokes here and who the woman with a cookie is.

  2. Cathy's holding one of her famous caramel rolls, Swissmiss is serving bacon.

  3. Ummmmm, bacon and caramel rolls are the best part of the FDA's food pyramid!

    I should post a game on my site.... a guessing game....

    You would have to guess how good of a Catholic you are by differentiating between women real estate agents and nuns.
    9-10 right = awesome Catholic. 0-1 correct = back to parochial school for you!

  4. "Ummmmm, bacon and caramel rolls are the best part of the FDA's food pyramid!"

    Yes I want a caramel roll now..w/ cheesecake.

    "I should post a game on my site.... a guessing game...."

    Yeah do it!

  5. ..... another little game I thought of..The object of that game would be to pick out the Baptist by their hair style.....

    click here

    Oh, I forgot I don't know how to do that. hahahaha

    *Disclaimer - to my family and Baptist friends - it's just a joke, but on paper it could be a really funny one.

  6. "..... another little game I thought of..The object of that game would be to pick out the Baptist by their hair style..... "

    to "click here" you insert code like this, change the address and the link title to the ones you want:

    <a href="">click here</a>

  7. Yay!
    Great pic lol.
    Did you try to make your animated stereo card thing yet?

  8. I couldn't decide if I should make a seperate blog for that or just use the one I've got. I don't think people really want to see that stuff but I want these people to be remembered.

    I haven't tried to do it yet. I still plan on it and thank you so very much for your kind support. I mean it. Thank you.

  9. "I don't think people really want to see that stuff"

    I think a lot of people would like them, particularly when they preserve an interesting moment in history. If you have a scanner, scan one of them - an image that has both frames side by side, and I can try to make one for you and then show you how I did it.


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