Friday, September 24, 2010

Catholics for Equality leader calls for activist unity against bishops

.- One board member of the dissenting homosexual advocacy group Catholics for Equality says it is “imperative” for activists to unite against “the anti-gay bishops,” whose opposition to same-sex marriage he calls “appalling.”

Eugene McMullan of San Francisco, a doctoral candidate in history at Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, talked to the LGBT newspaper the Bay Area Reporter about Catholics for Equality’s strategy of organizing brunches after Mass to try to convince Catholics to back homosexual political causes.

“We love brunch," he commented. "And what could be more subversive, since we don't have equal access, while at the same time most of us at the parish level are pro-LGBT and utterly unsympathetic to the erring bishops. And we already have a brunch captain signed up for the parish of the Cathedral of Christ the Light in Oakland, no less, in Oakland Bishop Cordileone's own backyard."

Proponents of same-sex “marriage” have blamed Bishop Salvatore Cordileone for supporting the campaign to pass Proposition 8, the successful 2008 California ballot initiative which again defined marriage as a union of a man and a woman.

"It is imperative that we come together against the anti-gay bishops," McMullan told the Bay Area Reporter. "We have to do it for ourselves, as a matter of principle, and to save the church we love. The anti-gay, anti-marriage activism of our 'shepherds' is appalling and brings discredit to the Body of Christ...”

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