Wednesday, March 3, 2010


  1. Vince, I can't post a thing over on my blog because it keeps saying...."URL contains illegal characters." in a threating manner and there is no longer a box for the title of my post. I am frozen, and it hurt my feelings! (I was going to write hahaha but I'm not in the mood.) :O
    I'm so sorry for bothering you but I don't have anyone else to bother.

  2. Weird! Try closing and restarting your browser, then log out of blogger and re-log in and see if that changes anything.

  3. Thank you Vince! Yesterday I worked on this and I voted in the box that asked if this was helpful.

    I was the 3 outta 4 that said no. hahaha It had been 2 outta 3. It's cool when you notice you've made a difference in the world and that you matter. However I haven't fixed the problem and will attempt to again later- in my spare time- that I don't have.

    :( Oops, I'm working on my Emotions and attitude for Lent. :] - a forced smile. hahaha


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