Friday, August 8, 2008

"The first rock concert I ever went to was in 1980. It was at Madison Square Garden and the group was "The Police". The opener that night was "The Go-Gos". Last night I came full circle and went to the last ever Police concert. Their reunion tour concluded at Madison Square Garden and the opener this time was the incredible "B-52s". They got the place jumpin' with wonderful renditions of their hits "Living in Your Own Private Idaho", "Roam", "Love Shack" and others but the roof almost came off the place when they went into "Rock Lobster"!

Then The Police took over and the Garden went nuts. Two of the really cool parts of the evening were the inclusion of the New York Police Department band for "Message in a Bottle" and the roadies seeing to it that one of them dressed as the proverbial fat lady came out and sang at the end. Sting had grown a beard all during this tour and in between the end of the concert and the encores he went backstage and shaved it off. We could see all this on the jumbotron screens..." - Fr. Selvester

1 comment:

  1. One of the few times I have ever envied someone for living in New York.


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