Saturday, December 15, 2007

Reminder: Solemn High "Rorate" Mass on EWTN This Morning at 8:00AM ET

Celebration of the Advent Solemn Mass of Our Lady by Candlelight (The “Rorate” Mass) from the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama.

Sat, 12/15/07 8:00 AM LIVE
Sat, 12/15/07 6:00 PM ENCORE
Sun, 12/16/07 12:00 AM ENCORE

1. Mass Text - booklet format (PDF)

2. Mass Text - scrollable format (PDF)

Watch Live


  1. It was beautiful! I've only gone to the NO Mass (which I honestly have no problem with) but this was just that much more uplifting. And the singing was gorgeous! The best hymn was my old favorite O Sanctissima!

  2. It was incredibly beautiful. I recently ordered this CD (O Divino Niño Jesus!) for a friend for Christmas after seeing the nuns' performance of
    it on EWTN.


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